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HK Company Register
Release time:2016-2-1 16:10:34 Browse the number:1393 printer page

Hongkong is a metropolitan city with abundant information.It’s also the most free trade port in the world.It provides great environment for businessmen and entrepreneurs on the basis of its infrastructure and sound legal system.Obviously, it’s a good choice to set up a company in HK to improve company’s image and its competitive power.

Advantages of Setting up a Company in Hong Kong
-Sound legal system
-Gain international credit by making use of Hong Kong's reputation
-As an international financial centre, Hong Kong has multiple financing channels
-With the absence of foreign exchange controls, funds can be circulated freely; foreign  currencies can be exchanged and transferred as needed, and credit operations can be handled conveniently and quickly
-No limitation on business scope and simple follow-up service
-Simplified taxation system, low taxation rate (Profits tax only with tax rate at 16.5% of the profits)
-Tax needs to be declared just once per year

General Requirements
-There shall be at least one shareholder and director over 18 years old(Copies of ID cards or passports of shareholders and directors are needed)
-One legal secretary (position taken by a Hong Kong permanent resident or Hong Kong company)
-There shall be one registered address in Hong Kong(if unavailable, we can prepare for you)
-The minimum capital for registration in HK is HK$10,000 and it need not be in place.
-Chinese and English names, or single Chinese or English name of the company

General Procedure for Company Registration
-verify company’s name and files of shareholders and directors
-Sign entrustment agreement for company’s registration
-Complete company’s commercial registration by advance payment
-Sign papers about Hongkong government
-Complete procedure by government
-Gain Hongkong certificate after 8-10 working days
-Gain materials of company registered in Hongkong and finish balance payment

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